40 Easy and Fun Paper Craft Ideas for All Ages (+Tips) - PAPERCRAFT WORLD

40 Easy and Fun Paper Craft Ideas for All Ages (+Tips)

Syeda S Syeda S

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When it comes to paper crafts, there are countless stunning and unique creations that you can make. 

Whether you want to tackle a project that is suitable for children, for adults, or even for both – there’s bound to be a paper craft out there that works for you! 

In this article, we’ll be giving you the lowdown on:

  • 40(!) of the best easy and fun paper craft ideas for all ages

  • Top tips for mastering papercraft and producing a perfect final result. 

Whether you’re a crafting pro or just want to check out what paper craft projects are out there – we’ve got you covered! Let’s go ahead and take a look at some incredible DIY paper crafts that you can try out. 

DIY Ideas For Paper Crafts That You Can Try 

There are countless different paper craft project ideas out there, all in a range of unique styles and difficulty levels. 

From elaborate paper decorations that you can display in your home to simple and colorful projects for your kids to try their hand at – there’s something for everyone when it comes to paper crafts. 

Let’s go ahead and take a look at some of the best DIY paper craft ideas out there, and exactly how to go about completing these projects!

1. Origami Animals

Materials needed: 

  • Square origami paper (if you only have regular 8.5x11 paper, learn how to turn it into an origami square here). 

Origami animals are a classic craft project that is great for both beginners and pros alike. 

You can create a range of different animals from nothing more than a square of paper!

Whether it's a classic elegant swan or an adorable panda bear, there’s sure to be an origami animal that suits your style.

You can check out a step-by-step tutorial on how to make 12 simple origami animals here

2. Paper Flowers

Materials needed: 

  • Crafting paper

  • Scissors

  • Glue

Paper flowers are the perfect project if you’re looking for something that is both simple and yields a stunning end result. 

There is a huge variety of different flowers that you can make, from simple designs to more elaborate bouquets. 

These gorgeous paper flowers can be used as additions to cards; some even make stunning table decorations or centerpieces, such as these paper lotus flowers!

For a step-by-step tutorial on how to make 10 simple paper flowers, make sure to check out this video

3. Paper Mâché Bowls

Materials needed: 

  • Scrap paper (newspapers, printer paper, book pages, etc)

  • Bowl

  • Plastic wrap

  • Adhesive glue 

  • Paintbrush

  • Scissors

  • Acrylic paint.

If you want to tackle a project that has more practical uses, why not try making a paper mâché bowl? 

These bowls can be made in a range of different sizes and can function as somewhere to display your jewelry, a table centerpiece, or simply a convenient place to store various knick-knacks and trinkets!

You can check out a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a basic paper mâché bowl here

4. Handmade Greeting Cards

Materials needed: 

  • Cardstock

  • Scissors

  • Glue

  • Pen

  • Ruler

There is nothing better than receiving a handmade greeting card – so, why not try making one yourself? 

This is not only a fun and relaxing craft project but is also something that you can gift to your friends and family!

The best part is that you can personalize the cards to suit the style of the person you are gifting them to. 

A step-by-step tutorial on how to make 6 simple and stunning greeting cards can be found here

5. Quilling Art

Materials needed: 

  • Craft paper
  • Scissors

  • Glue.

For a more unique-looking project, you can always give quilling art a try. 

This involves rolling, looping, curling, and twisting strips of paper in order to make a variety of shapes, which can then be glued together in order to create stunning designs. 

A step-by-step tutorial that covers the basics of quilling art for beginners can be found here

6. Paper Beads

Materials needed:

  • Colored paper or magazine pages 

  • Wooden skewer

  • Toothpick 

  • Adhesive glue

  • Scissors 

  • Modge Podge or clear nail polish.

Paper beads are a great craft project as they are not only fun to make and stunning to look at, but can also be fashioned into jewelry that you can wear! 

If you want a slightly more elaborate but highly rewarding paper craft project, then paper beads may be the best pick for you. 

You can check out a step-by-step beginner's tutorial on how to make paper beads here

7. Papercut Art

Materials needed:

  • Craft paper

  • Paper cutting knives or a craft knife

Paper cutting, as the name suggests, is a form of craft that involves cutting paper into elaborate shapes and designs. 

With paper cutting, you can produce a range of different projects from simple designs to intricate portraits.

It’s important to note that sharp tools are required for these projects, so if the kids are giving this one a go, you’ll want to make sure there is some form of adult supervision on hand!

For a step-by-step beginner's paper-cutting craft tutorial, you can check out this video

8. Paper Dolls

Materials needed:

  • Craft paper

  • Scissors 

  • Glue (optional, for decoration). 

Paper dolls are an iconic craft project that can be tweaked in order to be as basic or as elaborate as you want. 

Whether it's a simple paper doll chain or a fully decorated paper doll with hair, clothes, and shoes, making a paper doll is always going to be a fun and rewarding endeavor. 

A step-by-step tutorial on how to make a simple, iconic chain of paper dolls can be found here

9. Customized Bookmarks

Materials needed:

  • Craft paper 

  • Scissors

  • Glue

  • Felt tips or colored pencils (optional, for decoration).

If you or somebody you know is an avid reader, then crafting customized bookmarks out of paper may be the next craft project that you want to tackle. 

Not only is this craft extremely fun to make, but it also has an (extremely useful) practical function and looks amazing to boot! 

From a simple standard style to quirky shapes and designs, a paper bookmark is always a great go-to crafting project. 

For a step-by-step tutorial showing how to craft 6 different DIY bookmarks, check out this video

10. Paper Mosaics

Materials needed: 

  • Drawing paper

  • Multicolored paper scraps

  • Scissors

  • Glue

For a truly stunning paper craft project, you can’t beat paper mosaics! 

These paper crafts can be created in a range of different colors, shapes, and styles. 

Paper mosaics are a great project if you want something to display on your wall, or even as an additional decoration to a greeting card or scrapbook. 

A step-by-step tutorial on how to go about creating a simple paper mosaic can be found here

11. Paper Photo Frames

Materials needed: 

  • Colored paper

  • Glue (hot glue gun preferred) 

  • Cardboard

  • Craft knife. 

Another great paper craft project that not only looks incredible but also has a practical function is paper photo frames. 

This is a great way to frame your photos that will give them a personal touch and really make them stand out. 

Making paper photo frames is far easier than it sounds, and is an excellent craft project for both adults and kids (just be sure children are supervised when using hot glue or a sharp blade!) 

For a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a DIY paper photo frame, you can check out this video

12. Homemade Envelopes

Materials needed: 

  • Paper

  • Tape

  • Glue 

Tried your hand at making a homemade greeting card? 

Why not go the extra mile and slip it into a homemade envelope!

Paper envelopes are dead simple to make and add just a touch more personality and flair to any card or letter. 

You can decorate these envelopes in any way you want, either with colored paper, felt tips, or stickers. 

For a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a basic paper envelope, check out this video

13. Scrapbook Making

Materials needed: 

  • Scrapbook or cardboard
  • Craft paper

  • Scissors

  • Glue

  • Pen

  • Ruler

  • Photos, letters, stickers (optional, for decoration). 

A scrapbook is a great way to preserve memories in a way that will also be fun to make and will turn out looking incredible. 

There are many different ways you can go about making a scrapbook, such as simply buying a blank scrapbook and filling it in yourself or making one from scratch. 

Whatever you choose, scrapbook making is an incredibly fun craft project that can store your cherished memories for years to come. 

You can check out a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a scrapbook from scratch here

14. Paper Jewelry

Materials needed: 

  • Craft paper

  • String or chain

  • Scissors

  • Glue

  • Wooden skewer 

  • Jewelry clasps.

Whether you’re making a necklace, a bracelet, or even earrings, paper jewelry is always a super fun and unique craft project! 

Decorate your paper jewelry with different colors and designs that reflect your own personal style, and show off your creations by wearing them around. 

For a step-by-step tutorial on how to make 17 different types of paper jewelry, check out this video

15. Torn Paper Collage

Materials needed: 

  • Scrap paper (colored paper, magazines, etc)

  • Glue 

  • Base sheet of paper or card

A torn paper collage is a great way to make a craft project out of almost nothing. All you’ll really need is some old, colorful paper scraps from magazines or sheets of paper.

You can create any design or image you want when making a torn paper collage, so let your imagination run wild! 

For a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a torn paper collage, you can check out this video.

16. Toilet Paper Roll Crafts

Materials needed: 

  • Toilet paper rolls

  • Scissors

  • Glue

  • Acrylic paint 

  • Paper

If you’re in the mood to craft but don’t have many materials on hand, then don’t worry – you can create some truly incredible projects using toilet paper rolls! 

This is a great way to reuse something that would otherwise be thrown straight in the trash, and it can result in some seriously cool craft projects.

You can check out a step-by-step tutorial for 7 simple but incredible DIY toilet paper roll crafts here.

17. 3D Paper Models

Materials needed: 

  • 3D papercraft kit

  • Adhesive glue

If you want to embark on a paper craft project that is going to result in a truly impressive creation, then 3D paper models are definitely the way to go. 

There are countless stunning 3D papercraft models out there to choose from, so there will be something to suit your style. 

These models can be displayed in the home as either wall art, a table centerpiece, or even a lamp fixture. 

You can check out a step-by-step tutorial on how to properly assemble a 3D paper model here!

18. Paper Bag Puppets

Materials needed: 

  • Paper bag

  • Craft paper

  • Scissors

  • Glue 

This craft project is a great one for the kids: paper bag puppets!

These puppets can be designed to resemble any fun animal or person, making them highly customizable and extremely fun to make. 

Put your old paper bags to good use (and put on a good puppet show) by making a few paper bag puppets. 

For a step-by-step tutorial on how to make paper bag puppets, check out this video

19. Paper Lanterns

Materials needed:

  • Paper

  • Scissors or craft knife

  • Ruler

  • Pen 

  • Adhesive glue.

Paper lanterns are one of the most stunning paper craft projects out there and are surprisingly easy to make.

Add a stunning glow of light to your room by placing a fake candle or light inside a homemade paper lantern – just be sure it is artificial light that doesn’t get too hot! 

You can check out a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a DIY paper lantern here

20. Tissue Paper Pom-Poms

Materials needed: 

  • Tissue paper

  • Pen

  • Scissors

  • String or ribbon. 

If you’ve got some spare tissue paper lying around, why not try making some tissue paper pom poms? These are so simple to make and only require a few materials. 

Experiment with different colors and sizes; you can even string up these pom poms from the ceiling for a unique bit of room decoration. 

For a step-by-step tutorial on how to make tissue paper pom poms, you can check out this video

21. DIY Paper Kites

Materials needed: 

  • Paper

  • Scissors

  • Ruler pen 

Paper kites are an iconic childhood craft – and they’re just as fun in adulthood! 

Use some brightly colored paper or decorations to add some flair to your DIY paper kite, and let them soar! 

A step-by-step tutorial on how to make DIY paper kites at home can be found here

22. Kirigami (paper cutting)

Materials needed: 

  • Paper

  • Scissors 

Kirigami, or paper cutting, is a great way to create an absolutely stunning craft project using only paper and scissors. 

With this type of craft, you can create any design you want, whether it is clean and simple or complex and detailed. 

The completed projects can be displayed as wall art, pasted into scrapbooks, or glued on the cover of your homemade greeting cards. 

For a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a simple and easy kirigami design, you can check out this video

23. Paper Weaving

Materials needed: 

  • Paper

  • Ruler

  • Pen

  • Scissors

Paper weaving is a great way to create a paper craft with a gorgeous pattern that is complex in appearance (but in reality is dead easy to make). You can display your paper weaving project as is, or shape it into a basket and bowl. 

For a step-by-step tutorial on how to complete a simple paper-weaving project, check out this video!

24. Marbled Paper Art

Materials required: 

  • Watercolor paper

  • Water

  • Resin tints 

This is a slightly more complicated craft, but the end project is well worth it!

For this project, you’ll need a watercolor paper that you then dip into a shallow bowl of water that has drops of resin tint in it. 

The result? An absolutely stunning piece of marbled paper art. 

You can find a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a gorgeous piece of marbled paper art here

25. DIY Paper Masks

Materials needed: 

  • Paper mask kit

  • Adhesive glue 

This paper craft project has got to be one of the coolest ones: DIY paper masks. 

When you hear that phrase, you may picture a simple strip of paper fastened around your face. However, there are some absolutely incredible, elaborate papercraft masks out there!

You can check out a step-by-step tutorial on how to assemble some of these masks here

26. Paper Quilt

Materials needed: 

  • Colored paper 

  • Scissors

  • Adhesive glue. 

This is one project that is going to leave you with a final result that looks like it belongs in a modern art museum – all while being incredibly easy to make!

Not only that, but it requires very few materials and many of these can be recycled strips of paper. 

You can make your paper quilt with any color, design, and size you want. 

For a step-by-step tutorial on how to create your own paper quilt project, you can check out this video

27. Handcrafted Paper Ornaments

Materials needed: 

  • Colored paper or cardstock

  • Scissors

  • Ruler

  • Pen

  • Adhesive glue

  • String or ribbon. 

If you’re looking for a way to customize your Christmas tree (or even decorate a space in your home with some hanging ornaments), then you may want to give making some handcrafted paper ornaments a try!

These ornaments are simple to make and are a great way to give a personal touch to a Christmas tree or living space. 

You can check out a step-by-step tutorial on how to make some DIY 3D handcrafted paper ornaments here

28. Paper Silhouette Art

Materials needed: 

  • Cardstock

  • Pen

  • Craft knife

  • Reference image. 

Paper silhouette art is a gorgeous project that can be made using any image you want as a base. 

Whether it is a picture of yourself, your family, or your pet, simply print it out, trace the outline, and carefully cut along the lines! 

These paper silhouettes can turn out seriously stunning and are a great addition to cards and scrapbooks – or even framed on your wall. 

You can check out a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a simple silhouette art project here

29. Newspaper Basket

Materials needed: 

  • Newspaper 

  • Scissors

  • Adhesive glue. 

This project is another great one if you’re looking for ways to reuse and recycle your old newspapers. 

These newspaper baskets are fun and easy to make, turn out looking incredible, and are super useful. 

Simply roll up pages from old newspapers, weave them together, and secure them with a dab of glue!

For a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a simple newspaper basket, you can check out this video

30. Recycled Paper Crafts

Materials needed:

  • Recycled/scrap paper 

  • Additional materials depending on project.

There is no better way to give some new life to your old, recycled paper than to reuse it to create a gorgeous paper craft project. 

There are endless projects that you can create using recycled paper from dolls to baskets, you can pick a craft project that interests you and put that old paper to good use.

You can check out a variety of step-by-step recycled paper craft tutorials here

31. Pop-Up Cards

Materials needed:

  • Colored paper

  • Cardstock

  • Adhesive glue

  • Scissors 

  • Pens.

Are you wanting to take your homemade card game to the next level? Why not try making a pop-up card? 

These cards are far easier to make than they initially seem and are a great way to add a touch of personality to a card!

There is a wide range of different types of pop-up cards that you can make, so pick one that catches your eye and give it a try! 

You can check out a step-by-step tutorial on how to make 5 different simple pop-up cards here

32. Accordion-Folded Flowers

Materials needed: 

  • Colored paper

  • Glue.

These extremely simple accordion-folded flowers are some of the most stunning craft projects out there. 

Fun, bright, and elegant, these flowers are great to attach to the front of a homemade card or glue into a scrapbook. You can even make a whole bunch of them and tie them together to make a paper bouquet! 

You can check out a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a DIY accordion paper flower here

33. Handmade Paper

Materials needed:

  • Recycled paper

  • Water

  • Blender

  • Strainer

  • Cotton fabric or sponge 

  • Scissors.

If you want to take on a more challenging paper craft project, why not try and make the paper itself? 

You can use recycled paper to create brand-new, fresh sheets of paper!

This project is a little more time-consuming and complex, but is well worth it when you sit back and admire sheets of paper that you made yourself. 

You can check out a step-by-step tutorial on how to make DIY homemade paper out of recycled materials here

34. Decorative Paper Chains

Materials needed: 

  • Colored paper 

  • Ruler

  • Pen 

  • Scissors

  • Adhesive glue.

Decorative paper chains are the perfect way to decorate for a party, holiday, or get-together using homemade decorations!

These paper chains are super quick and simple to make and you can use any color combinations that you want. 

For a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a basic decorative paper chain, you can check out this video

35. Rolled Paper Sculptures

Materials needed: 

  • Paper

  • Cardboard

  • Scissors

  • Adhesive glue.

Rolled paper sculptures are a unique craft project that can be done using any type of paper that you have on hand – whether that be recycled paper, colored paper, or even newspaper!

You can create some incredible structures and designs with rolled paper sculptures, using only a few materials. 

You can check out a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a rolled paper sculpture here

36. DIY Paper Hats

Materials needed: 

  • Paper

  • Additional materials, dependent on the project.

Paper hats are one of the most common and simple paper craft projects out there!

Everybody remembers making a paper hat at least once during their childhood. 

This project is not limited to the simple paper hats that we remember, however; you can create truly impressive and unique hats using only paper. 

For example, you can check out a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a paper cap here

37. Comic Book Coasters

Materials needed: 

  • Cork

  • Old comic books

  • Glue

  • Modge Podge or sealant

  • Scissors.

This project is perfect for those looking for a super cool and practical end result: comic book coasters!

If you have any comic books lying around that you are willing to part with, this is a great way to give them a second life. 

This can be done with any comic that you like and is a great way to add a bit of flair to your living space. 

For a step-by-step tutorial on how to make your own comic book coasters, you can check out this video

38. DIY Paper Pendants

Materials needed: 

  • Paper

  • Cardboard

  • Scissors

  • Glue

  • Ruler

  • Pen

  • String or ribbon.

For a gorgeous bit of jewelry that you can make at home and requires only a few materials, why not try making a DIY paper pendant? 

These pendants can turn out absolutely stunning and can be customized to suit your own personal style!

You can check out a tutorial on how to make a DIY paper pendant here

39. Customized Notepads

Materials needed: 

  • Paper 

  • Card

  • Adhesive glue 

  • Scissors 

  • Binder clips

  • Paintbrush 

If you want to give your notebook a bit of personality, then customized notepads are definitely the paper craft project for you. 

You can decorate your notepad in any style you like, or even make one for a friend or family member as a thoughtful homemade gift!

For a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a DIY customized notepad, you can check out this video

40. Paper Stained Glass Art

Materials needed: 

  • Paper

  • Scissors

  • Tissue paper

  • Glue

  • Wax paper.

For a project that is going to give a stunning stained glass look, you can always try your hand at creating a piece of paper stained glass art!

This craft project involves tearing and arranging tissue paper to create a gorgeous result that resembles stained glass. 

You can check out a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a piece of paper-stained glass art here.

Some Tips For Making Paper Crafts 

If you’re planning on trying your hand at making some paper crafts but are a bit apprehensive, then don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! 

Here are all of the top tips that you’ll need to know when it comes to making paper crafts:

Try PaperCraftWorld’s paper crafts!

If you want to create an absolutely stunning paper craft project but are feeling daunted by the thought of going out, collecting a bunch of materials, and then searching for a helpful tutorial – why not try the crafts from PaperCraftWorld? 

These crafts come with everything you will need in order to complete the project and are pre-cut, making the crafting process simple and mess-free!

You can check out the huge range of PaperCraftWorld projects right here

Use sharp, precise scissors or a craft knife

When it comes to paper craft projects, you’re not going to want uneven and jagged edges. Be sure that you are using sharp and precise scissors or a craft knife!

That being said, if any children are taking part in the craft project, make sure that they are under adult supervision while using sharp tools. 

Measure and mark accurately

Nothing causes a craft project to go downhill faster than incorrect measuring and marking!

Make sure you double-check your measurements before you do any cutting or folding. Otherwise, your project may turn out uneven or crooked. 

Crease folds neatly

Crisp, neat folds really take a craft project to the next level!

Using a ruler rather than your fingers to smooth down the folds can give your project a super clean, refined look. 

Organize your workspace

Crafting can get messy, so try to keep a clean and organized workspace1

This will ensure that you aren’t constantly searching for that missing glue stick, or losing your scissors under piles of cardstock. 

Secure pieces with glue or double-sided tape

When working on a project that you’re going to want to display, consider securing parts of the project with glue or double-sided tape. 

Even if the particular craft (such as origami) doesn’t call for any adhesive, a dab of glue or a strip of tape can help it keep its form for much longer. 

Pay attention to details

The finer details are what make your craft project really come together!

Don’t underestimate the effect that taking extra care smoothing the folded edges of your paper or cleaning up residue glue marks can have. 

Explore different techniques

Whether a certain method isn’t quite working for you or you’re just wanting to try something new, don’t be afraid to explore different techniques when tackling a craft project. 

Who knows? You may discover a technique that works perfectly for you. 

Be creative with colors and patterns

One of the best parts about paper crafts is that they are highly customizable!

Let your personality and style show by experimenting with different colors and patterns during your next craft project. 

This can be done with colored paper, stickers, stencils – anything that you’d like! 

Don’t use too much glue

When using glue, less is often more. 

An excess of glue can make your paper soggy or leave unsightly glue marks on the project!

Make sure that you are using the amount of glue that your project requires and are not overdoing it. 

Keep spare materials on hand

There’s nothing worse than being halfway through a craft project and realizing that you don’t have all of the materials that you need to complete it!

Keeping some spare materials on hand will ensure that you won’t get caught short during your next project. 

Enjoy the process!

The most important part of any craft project? Having fun! 

Don’t stress if something isn’t going quite right; set it aside and try again later. 

The point of crafting is to relax and have a good time, so enjoy yourself! 

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