20 Paper Craft Ideas for Gifts: Make The Occasion Special - PAPERCRAFT WORLD

20 Paper Craft Ideas for Gifts: Make The Occasion Special

Syeda S Syeda S

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Looking for a unique gift? Homemade gifts are always so sweet, thoughtful, and personal. 

If you’re looking to show your love and appreciation for someone, there’s nothing better than a homemade gift!

It can be hard to know exactly what the right thing to make or get is though. 

Plus, what if fine arts aren’t your strong suit? That’s where paper crafts come in! 

Paper crafting is budget friendly, accessible to all ages and skill levels, is a lot of fun, and can be used to make fantastic gifts. 

Looking for ideas? You’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll cover all sorts of paper craft gift ideas, including: 

  • Home Decor 

  • Fashion 

  • Cards 

  • Gifting Accessories 

Let’s dive right in! 

20 Handmade Paper Craft Gift Ideas 

One of the best paper crafting gifts in our opinion is a paper crafting kit

If you know the recipient loves crafting, paper crafting kits are a fun, DIY activity that make excellent gifts. 

However, if you’re looking for a paper crafting creation you can make yourself and then gift, there are many different options! 

Let’s have a look at some top contenders. 

Home Decor 

A popular paper crafting option is to make goods for your home! 

Decorating with paper crafts adds such a unique flair to your spaces. Giving home goods as a gift also shows the recipient you know them and their style, and want them to have a beautiful living space. 

3D Wall Art 

Wall art

One of the most popular forms of paper craft decor is wall art.

The possibilities are close to endless, so you can pick something unique to who you’re giving the gift to. 

You can completely DIY 3D wall art if you like, but the easiest and best looking wall art is generally from paper crafting kits. 

Some favorites include animal trophy heads (everything from deer to unicorns!), hanging animals, and pop lips. 


Paper lamp

Paper crafting is also an amazing tool for making lamps! 

The light can gently glow through semi-translucent paper, or have high contrast, beautiful patterns through delicate cut out patterns. 

There are several easy DIY options for lamps, the easiest being paper chinese lanterns. 

To make these gorgeous lanterns, start with a rectangular piece of paper, and fold it in half lengthwise. Then make a series of cuts in from the crease, leaving at least a few inches of room uncut. 

Work in a decorative pattern  with a hole punch or scissors if you like, then unfold and roll into a cylinder. Secure with tape, staples or glue, place over a plastic tea light, and you’re ready to go! 

You can also get lamp kits for more complex patterns, or permanent home decor. 

If you’re making a DIY lampshade, it’s important to always use a cool LED, bulb, or one from a crafting kit, to prevent causing a fire hazard. 

Paper Flowers 

paper flowers template

Flowers are a classic gift for a reason - they’re bright, beautiful, and appropriate for almost any occasion. 

However, with fresh flowers you’re also giving the recipient a burden of responsibility (they need to find a vase, fill it, trim and unwrap the flowers etc.), as well as the sad task of watching the flowers die. 

With paper flowers, you don’t need any setup or spillable water around, and these flowers will last almost indefinitely. 

There are loads of ways to make paper flowers, including complicated origami bouquets. 

However, the simplest paper crafted flowers just take a few steps. 

Firstly, get the construction paper or cardstock you’ll be using, and trace out the shapes of the petals you desire (or use a template.) 

Curl the ends of the petals using a pencil, then cut a slit in the bottom and glue or tape them to themselves, causing them to stand up on their own. 

Then glue the petals to the base, going from the largest to the smallest, until you’re happy with the flower or you run out of space (or petals.) These flowers can be hung on the wall, attached to stems, or stung on a string! 

Paper Succulents 

Paper Succulents

If you still love botanicals, but flowers aren’t quite your style, or are too romantic for the occasion, paper succulents also make amazing gifts! 

Paper succulents are made in essentially the same way as paper flowers: cut the paper shapes out, manipulate them slightly, then glue them together. 

However, you may want to opt for using a template (like this one for a whole tray of succulents!), as these little plants are made up of many complex shapes and patterns. 

If you’d like to make your succulents super realistic, you can also use a pen or paints to add unique details. 

These are also a great way to gift plant pots without them looking too bare! Just pop some succulents into your pot, or fill your pot with candies or other small gifts, and top with the succulent for a super cute effect. 

Paper Chains

Paper Chains

You’ve probably made paper chains before when decorating for a party, but they can also be transformed into permanent art for your home! 

One of the best ways to do this is to hang them down vertically from a dowel. That way, you can use the paper chains to create a picture or abstract art

To make paper chain art, the first thing you need to do is to get your picture and put it into a grid, so you can decide which color each square needs to be. 

Then, using your grid as reference, make paper chains by cutting paper into half inch by three and a half inch strips, then overlap the strip by about half an inch, secure with glue or tape, and make the next loop intertwine with the first. 

Make sure to keep your loop size precise, otherwise your design will end up warped. Once you have completed all of your chains, slide them (in the right order) onto a wooden dowel, and then they're ready to hang! 

Paper Pinwheels 

paper pinwheels

Another easy and gorgeous paper craft home decor idea is paper pinwheels.

These look super cute hung on the wall, on as table mats, and they’re so easy to make! 

All you need to do is fold a sheet of paper widthways, accordion style in evenly spaced, back and forth folds across the whole length of the paper. 

To make this easier, you can use a ruler and scissors or a pencil to score the paper before you fold if you wish. 

You’ll need to do this to at least two, but up to four pieces of paper, depending on the size of the pinwheel and the density of the spokes you’d like. 

Once you have all of your sheets of paper folded, attach them together by the shorter sides with double sided or folded over tape. 

Make sure the direction of the folds matches, so the pinwheel flows nicely. Once you’ve attached all of your pieces, you can decorate with a hole punch, pens, paints, or other add ons if you like, then you’re good to go!   


Another type of paper crafting that makes excellent gifts is wearables! 

Everyone loves accessories, and none are as unique (and budget friendly) as these paper crafted ones. 

Paper Beads 

paper beads

Did you know you can make sturdy, gorgeous beads from paper? 

It’s surprisingly easy, and you can use them for bracelets, necklaces, or anything you like! To make them, simply cut triangle strips of paper, dab them with glue, and coil them tightly using a pencil or skewer, then secure using a piece of tape. 

Once the initial glue has dried, trim the bead into your desired shape, then coat with several layers of craft glue or modge podge, remembering to wait for them to dry completely in between. 

Paper Fans 

A super easy and fun accessory to make is of course paper fans! 

To make a paper fan, you just need to accordian fold a piece of paper, like you were making a paper pinwheel, then secure it in the fan shape using a little glue or sewing the very bottom of the folds together. 

You can decorate your fan however you like, or even make two in different colors and sizes and stack them together!  

Paper Hair Flowers 

Paper Hair Flowers

If you’re wanting an accessory that can change any simple braid into a magical style, this is the one for you! 

To make paper hair flowers, start by cutting petals out of high quality cardstock of your preferred color. 

Once you’ve curled your petals and attached them to the center piece, you’ll have a perfect little rose shaped flower. Attach each flower to a simple wire spiral, and you have the perfect hair accessory! 

You can even turn them into a flower crown if you wish. 


paper masks

If you’re giving a Halloween gift, or if the person you’re giving it to loves cosplay,  dressing up, or just having a bit of fun, why not give them a mask? 

Making the masksfrom paper crafting kits is super easy, you simply need to piece them and glue them together - they’re already cut and folded for you. 

You can make anything from a cute bunny to a scary werewolf!

Paper Earrings 

Paper Earrings definitely count as fashion, but there are a few different ways to create them so they deserve their own category. 

Choose the best way for you and whoever you’re gifting them to! 

Intricate Earrings 

To make beautiful flat earrings with a simple cut out design, simply choose a high quality piece of cardstock (glittery or shimmery is always fun!), and cut out four identical shapes. 

Add in cut out details with a craft knife or decorative hole punch (making a mirrored design on two of your shapes), then cut a small hole in the top for the earring back. 

Glue two of the shapes together so the earrings are symmetrical, then coat with epoxy or dimensional sealer, and allow to dry completely before adding in your earring backs.  

Quilled Flower Earrings 

Quilling is the process of using small, coiled strips of paper to make stunning, intricate three dimensional art. 

You can use quilling to make pretty, simple, flower earrings! Simply cut five three inch and five six inch strips of paper in contrasting colors, then glue one of each length strip together end to end. 

Using a quilling tool or large headed needle, coil each of your paired stripes, and glue the ends to secure them in a circle. 

Pinch the end of this circle tightly to form it into a teardrop shape. 

Once you have done this four more times, to create the petals of your flowers, glue them together on the sides to form a flower shape, coat with decoupage or craft glue if you wish, then insert an earring back and you’re good to go! 

Chunky Beaded Earrings 

You can also use paper beads to make fun beaded earrings! Using larger beads, or beads of a couple different colors, generally has the best effect! 


Of course, the main piece of paper that’s used in gift giving is the card! While of course simple cards are lovely, you can use your paper crafting skills to take it to the next level. 

Pop-up Cards 

Pop-up cards

Pop-up cardsare simple to make, and add a fun element of surprise to any card! 

To make them, fold a piece of paper into a standard card shape, then cut out tabs by making two cuts along the crease of the card. How deep you cut equals how much the element will “pop-out”, but about half an inch to an inch is usually fine. 

Fold your tabs inwards, and crease them to the stick. Take this card, and paste it inside the card you wish to use, or into another blank card, so you don’t have holes along the spine of your card. 

Now you’re ready to decorate! 

Design the background of your card, and paste on pictures, drawings, or words you’d like to pop-up onto your tabs, being careful not to get them stuck to the main card.  

Origami Cards 

If you have the origami skills (or are learning!), you can use origami to spice up your cards. You could make a heart shaped card, a fun box shaped card, and more! 

Cut-Out Cards

Another simple way to give a card a little more pizzazz is to add some cut outs! 

You can either cut into the outer layer to reveal a surprise on the inner, or paste another shape anywhere on the card - like candles or birthday balloons, hearts, or stars! 

Embroidered Cards

embroidered birthday card

If you’ve got some needle and thread skills, or are down to try, make an embroidered birthday card! These stitched cards are so adorable and unique, they’re sure to work well no matter the occasion. 

Gift Accessories 

You can also use paper crafting to enhance your gift, or as a part of it, rather than the main event. That way, you can give whatever you like while still using the handmade charm that is paper crafting!  

DIY Wrapping Paper 

DIY Wrapping Paper

The wrapping paper is one of the easiest parts of the gift to add a personal touch to! There are so many different options,  from drawing on your paper, using it as a card, stenciling or taping it, and much more! 

Paper Bows 

You can easily make your own paper bow to add a unique touch to any gift - boxed or bagged.

There are several different styles, including accordion folds, using a template, or using paper strips.

Photo Frames 

If you’re gifting a photo, why not take it to the next level by using a DIY photo frame? You can make a frame using origami, just cutting paper, ro using a more complex template. 

Party Hats 

It’s so easy to make your own party hats, and they’re much cuter (and cheaper than store bought! 

To make a paper hat, just cut a slice out of a circular piece of paper, roll into a cone shape, and secure. Then add a chin strap, decorate how you like, and party! 

Try Our Papercraft Kits for Easy Gift Making!

a kit Papercraft World

If you're looking for a hassle-free option for creating stunning, one-of-a-kind gifts, why not try a kit Papercraft World

This is by far the easiest (and potentially the best looking) version of paper crafting - all you need to do is assemble and glue.

This means you can have a gift with all the aesthetic appeal of a store bought gift, and all the love and personality of a handmade gift! 

Some popular options include three dimensional wall art, or adorable lamps and floor models! If your gift recipient has a collection they’re adding to, these are definitely a necessary addition.

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